Barion Pixel


User Profile Shortcode

Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on bool in /chroot/home/gyogyasz/ on line 121

Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on bool in /chroot/home/gyogyasz/ on line 134

Warning: Attempt to read property "user_email" on bool in /chroot/home/gyogyasz/ on line 136
This is the shortcode for the front end user’s profile.
Register Form Shortcode


A regisztráció adott esetben fizetési kötelezettséggel is járhat. Kérjük, hogy olvasd el az ÁSZF-et!
A regisztrációval hozzájárulsz ahhoz, hogy számodra a Qltif Bt. a Gyógyászkereső honlap használatához szükséges hasznos információkat, tartalmakat és eDM-et küldjön.

Elolvastam, megismertem és elfogadom az Adatvédelmi tájékoztatót és az ÁSZF-et.
This is the shortcode for the front end register form.
Login Form Shortcode This is the shortcode for the front end login form.
Account Form Shortcode This is the shortcode for the front end account form.
Forgot Password Form Shortcode

Elfelejtett jelszó?

This is the shortcode for the front end forgot password form.
Change Password Form Shortcode This is the shortcode for the front end change password form.
Reset Password Form Shortcode

Jelszó visszaállítása

This is the shortcode for the front end reset password form.
Users List Shortcode
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
This is the shortcode for the front end users list.
Output Location Shortcode
This is the shortcode for displaying user data at location selected while creating field via form builder. Location can be users, profile_side, more_info
Profile Header Shortcode

Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on bool in /chroot/home/gyogyasz/ on line 121

Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on bool in /chroot/home/gyogyasz/ on line 134

Warning: Attempt to read property "user_email" on bool in /chroot/home/gyogyasz/ on line 136
This is the shortcode for showing displayed user’s profile picture and cover image . You can hide cover image, avatar with parameters and also disallow changing profile cover image and avatar with value 1.
Profile Section Shortcode
This is the shortcode for wrapping the things left and right on profile page. Type can be open or close. Position can be left or right. Open section requires close section else it can break the layout.
User Title Shortcode This is the shortcode for showing displayed user’s name. You can pass heading tag from h1 to h6 and user_id if you want to display for specific user ID.
User Avatar Shortcode


This is the shortcode for showing user’s avatar image and name. You can pass tag h1 to h6, div, p for user name, 1 to enable link to profile page, avatar size in px and user_id if you want to display for specific user.
User Meta Shortcode This is the shortcode for showing displayed user’s meta value based on key provided. You can pass icon-value, label-value, label, value, value-strip for how to show value. You can user_id if you want to display for specific user.
Profile tabs Shortcode This is the shortcode for displaying profile tabs for user’s profile page.
Profile Social Fields Shortcode This is the shortcode for displaying user’s social fields which are selected by adding uwp_social class while creating field via form builder. You can pass comma separated keys to exclude from displaying.
Profile Actions Shortcode This is the shortcode for user’s profile actions like verify, transfer points etc.
User Actions Shortcode This is the shortcode for displaying user’s actions like add friend, follow etc.
Users Search Shortcode This is the shortcode for displaying search form for searching users.
Users Loop Actions Shortcode
This is the shortcode for displaying users loop actions like views and filters.
Users Loop Shortcode
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
Telefonszám (Csak számok):
This is the shortcode for displaying users list.
Author box
Author: szepnorbi

This is the shortcode for displaying author box.